About Us
Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Pane o Mataoho
Welcome to Maangere Mountain
Teenaa koutou katoa, Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Wharekura o Te Pane o Mataoho, Maangere Mountain Education Centre.
E ngaa mana, e ngaa reo, e ngaa karangatanga maha, teenaa koutou katoa.
Ko te kaupapa o teenei waahi ako, he whakawhanaungatanga, he whakatipu i te hinengaro, i te tinana, i te wairua hoki o ngaa aakonga.
Ka whakapau kaha maatou ki te whakarauora, ki te whakapakari i ngaa taumata o te maatauranga, me te whakatuu huarahi hei whai atu ai i te maaramatanga o ngaa aahuatanga o te ao hurihuri.
Ko te whakakitenga, he whaanau whakapakari, he whenua whakapau kaha, he taiao whakarangatira. Kia whakapau kaha ai te aakonga ki te aarahi i te ao whaanui, whakamana ai i te tangata, me te tiaki i te taiao moo ngaa whakatupuranga kei muri i a taatou.
Ko te manu kai i te miro, noona te ngahere. Ko te manu kai i te maatauranga, noona te ao.
Naa reira, e te whaanau, teenaa koutou, teenaa koutou, teenaa taatou katoa.
Our Governance Structure
The Maangere Mountain Education Trust is a Council Controlled Organisation overseen by a board of trustees. Trustees are appointed by Auckland Council, Makaurau Marae and Pukaki Marae.
Greetings to you all,
Welcome to the educational centre of Te Pane o Mataoho, Maangere Mountain Education Centre.
To the authorities, to the languages, to the many relationships, greetings to you all.
The purpose of this learning place is to foster connections and nurture the minds, bodies, and spirits of the learners.
We are committed to revitalizing and strengthening the levels of traditional knowledge and establishing a path to seek understanding of the ever-changing world.
The vision is a strong, empowered family, a fortified land, and an esteemed environment. Empowering the learners to navigate the wider world, uplifting people, and caring for the environment for the generations to come.
As the bird that partakes of the miro berry, the forest belongs to it. As the bird that partakes of knowledge, the world belongs to it.
Therefore, dear family, greetings, greetings to you all.
History of the Maangere Mountain Education Trust
In 1995, The Manukau City Council, Te Waiohua Trust and the Department of Conservation, through the Maangere Mountain Centre Accord, Te Mana o Te Maunga o Maangere Whakamaaramamai Te Whakaaro Kotahi established a visitor centre and amenities for education on Maangere Mountain. In 2003 the parties and Auckland Council established the Maangere Mountain Education Trust as a Council Controlled Organisation to carry out its objectives.
Get in touch
Phone: +64 9 634 7305
Email: info@mangeremountain.co.nz