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What is Raranga?

Raranga is a form of Maaori weaving which uses the native plant Harakeke, also known as flax. Harakeke is known to be a multi-purpose plant gathered by Maaori to create essential resources like, baskets for storage, whariki (Traditional mats), clothing and many more. We use raranga to connect back to our Maaori ancestors by letting your inner creativity run free. 

Workshop summary 

You will learn the tikanga on how to properly harvest harakeke from the plant, then weaving it into either Tipare (headband), Putiputi (Flower) or Tauri Koomore (Bracelets). The chosen piece by your kaiarahi (Guide) will be determined by your skill level. This hands-on workshop will bring out your creativity as well as your understanding of the Harakeke plant.